/** Reduce resolution of captured image. Display results in blocks. * @author Mithat Konar */ import processing.video.*; // === Program constants === // // Rendering parameters: // number of cells the rendered image should be in each direction: final int REDUCED_WIDTH = 32; final int REDUCED_HEIGHT = 24; // Canvas parameters: // number of times you want REDUCED image blown up: final int OUTPUT_SCALE = 10; // frame rate of rendered output: final int CANVAS_FPS = 8; // Video capture parameters // (adjust as neeeded for your platform's available capture options): final int CAM_WIDTH = 320; final int CAM_HEIGHT = 240; final int CAM_FPS = 15; // === Global variables ===// Capture cam; // The video capture device. PImage img; // Buffer image. // === GO! === // void setup() { frameRate(CANVAS_FPS); size(REDUCED_WIDTH*OUTPUT_SCALE, REDUCED_HEIGHT*OUTPUT_SCALE); if (Capture.list().length == 0) { println("There are no cameras available for capture."); exit(); } // Instantiate a buffer image used for subsampling, etc. img = createImage(REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT, RGB); // Instantiate a new Capture object, requesting the specs: cam = new Capture(this, CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT, CAM_FPS); cam.start(); // In Processing 2.0, you need to start the capture device } void draw() { // Grab a frame if (cam.available() == true) { cam.read(); } // Using a buffer because // cam.resize(REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT); // doesn't work :-( img.copy(cam, 0, 0, CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT, 0, 0, REDUCED_WIDTH, REDUCED_HEIGHT); img.loadPixels(); // For each column in img: for (int col = 0; col < REDUCED_WIDTH; col++) { // For each row in img: for (int row = 0; row < REDUCED_HEIGHT; row++) { // Get color from pixel at col, row color c = img.pixels[col + row*img.width]; fill(c); stroke(c); rect(col*OUTPUT_SCALE, row*OUTPUT_SCALE, OUTPUT_SCALE, OUTPUT_SCALE); } } }