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python:development_workflow [2016/07/13 03:36] – [Getting a list of packages in the virtual environment] mithatpython:development_workflow [2017/05/07 15:09] (current) – [Getting a list of packages in the virtual environment] mithat
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 ====== Python Project Workflow ====== ====== Python Project Workflow ======
-To manage project dependencies, Node.js has ''npm'' and ''package.json'' files, PHP has ''composer'' and ''composer.json'' files. Fulfilling a similar need, Python has ''pip'' and virtual environments, but they don't work quite like ''npm''+''package.json'' and ''composer''+''composer.json''.+For managing project dependencies, Node.js has ''npm'' and ''package.json'' files, PHP has ''composer'' and ''composer.json'' files. Fulfilling a similar need, Python has ''pip'' and virtual environments, but they don't work quite like ''npm''/''package.json'' and ''composer''/''composer.json''.
 ===== Projects require virtual environments ===== ===== Projects require virtual environments =====
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 ===== Getting a list of packages in the virtual environment ===== ===== Getting a list of packages in the virtual environment =====
 When you want to deploy your project on another machine, you will want the environment on the host to use the same versions of the packages When you want to deploy your project on another machine, you will want the environment on the host to use the same versions of the packages
-you used while developing it (i.e., those in your virtual environment). The process of generating a list of those packages and re-installing them are discussed in this [[|this post]] from Miguel Grinberg's and in this [[|Stack Overflow post]].+you used while developing it (i.e., those in your virtual environment). The process of generating a list of those packages and re-installing them is discussed in this [[|this post]] from Miguel Grinberg'blog and in this [[|Stack Overflow post]].
 ===== Virtual environments and IDEs ===== ===== Virtual environments and IDEs =====
python/development_workflow.1468381008.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/13 03:36 by mithat

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