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Table of Contents
Making things move
- The State element defines configurations of objects and properties.
- It is a non-visual element.
How to create States
- Bind
to a list of States. - List is specified using JSON array syntax.
Item { id: myItem width: 400 height: 400 Image { id: spaceship source: "images/spaceship.png" x: 10 y: 50 } states: [ State { name: "leftXMove" PropertyChanges { target: spaceship x: 200 } } ] }
- States have names (in quotes), not ids.
- You can create as many states as you need for an object.
- All properties not expressed will be the same as the base state.
... states: [ State { name: "leftXMove" PropertyChanges { target: "spaceship" x: 200 } }, State { name: "downYMove" PropertyChanges { target: "spaceship" y: 90 } } ] ...
Why create States?
- Changing from one state to another creates dynamics.
- Executing a function to set a different state:
Image { id: myButton source: "images/button.png" y: 50; x: 10 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: myItem.state = 'leftXMove' } }
- Using “when” method. It will change the property but inside the state element:
Image { id: myButton source: "images/button.png" y: 50; x: 10 MouseArea { id:myButtonMouseArea anchors.fill: parent } } states: [ State { name: "leftXMove" when: myButtonMouseArea.clicked PropertyChanges { target: myItem x: 200 } } ]
Animating from one State to another
Main transition and animation elements
- from and to
- the element’s initial and final state string
- target
- the animated element’s id
- properties
- the property that you want to change during the animation. This can be an array of properties
- easing.type
- choose an easing curve to add a specific effect to your animation
Animation types
qt-quick-for-designers-1/making_things_move.1371860993.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/22 00:29 by mithat